Escape Dead Island is a adventure survival horror developed by Swedish developer Fatshark and published by German studio Deep Silver. This is the first Dead islandgame in the series that is a spin-off, the game does not take place in the series' main canon. On August 27, 2014, Deep Silver revealed that access to a beta version ofDead Island 2, the third main entries of the series, will be available for those who pre-order Escape Dead Island on any of the platforms.[2]
The game is a survival mystery that follows the story of Cliff Calo, who sets sail to document the unexplained events rumored to have happened on Banoi. Arriving on the island of Narapela, part of the Banoi archipelago, he finds that not everything is as it seems. Haunted by deja-vus, Cliff will have to make sense of it all. This story-driven adventure lets players delve into the Dead Island universe and unravel the origins of the zombie outbreak. Escape is only the beginning…